Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Simple Image Gallery Image Gallery Management System In PHP

Simple Gallery is an easy to use image gallery management system written in PHP and utilizes jQuery, MySQL, and the GD Library. It allows multiple categories and subcategories as well as image hit / download tracking and a built in installer. Also, the latest version adds support for Thickbox displaying of images when downloading.

  •     PHP 5+ -
  •     GD Library –
  •     MySQL –

  •     Open “inc/config.php” and modify the settings to your liking
  •     Do Not Run the “install.php” script before doing the above
  •     To use an existing mysql database, just set “$db” in “inc/config.php” to the DB name you wish to use
  •     If the DB name you specify in “$db”, the install.php script will attempt to create it for you.
  •     3 database tables will be added to your DB name above “freephp_gallery, freephp_gallery_admin, freephp_gallery_category”
  •     The directory you specify for “$base_dir” should be chmod to 777 (full permissions)
  •     When you are sure your settings are correct, run the “install.php” file
  •     You will be asked to create your admin username and password on the install.php page
  •     After completing the install, REMOVE “install.php” (running this again will remove any data from your Simple Gallery tables)
  •     Run “login.php” to login as the admin username and password you setup so that you may start using Simple Gallery

Download Simple Image Gallery PHP Script