Tuesday, May 17, 2016

PHP Image Magician One Of The Best Image Manipulation PHP Script And Its FREE!

PHP Image Magician is an open source project that uses PHP GD to perform image manipulation in an easy, succinct way.
Resizing, cropping, watermarking, adding text - has it all!

Features Of PHP Image Magician script

  1. Easy resize: Resize to landscape, portrait, or auto; then crop in one fell swoop!
  2. Watermark: Add watermarks to your precious photos. Photo theft is serious. Preserves transparency.
  3. Shadows & Reflections: Add gloss and/or depth to you image. Apple would be proud.
  4. Transparency support: Supports and preserves transparency where possible.
  5. Full crop capabilites: Choose the region to crop with a shortcode (t=top, tl=top left, etc) and crop away!
  6. Text: Caption that image. Then caption it again.
  7. Borders, Rounded corners, Rotation: Add borders. Not a 1px black border, a realish border. Rotate and sand off em corners.
  8. Image type conversion: Convert from one image format to another, including BMP.
  9. BMP support: Read and write BMP support is offered for you legacy, Window loven bumpkins!
  10. EXIF metadata: Reads EXIF metadata from your digital photos.
  11. Effects & Filters: Grey scale, black & white, sepia, negative and vintage.
  12. PSD read support: Weve added a PSD reader library for PSD support. This file is not maintained by us.

Download PHP Image Magician PHP Script

If you ask me personally, this is the best PHP manipulation script.It is so powerful and does it all.So it is a must download for people dealing with Image Editing.

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