Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Free Social Bookmarking Script In PHP

More and more people are using social bookmarks. Such services gives a great way to keep track of their own bookmarks, independently from the used browser and computer.
Bookmark saved with such services are useable from home, work ... from everywhere. And the social structure gives you the possibility to find related links you never knew existed before.

As an webmaster it is a good idea to help people in using this services. Making it easier for people to bookmark your site will return in more bookmarks... and more people coming back.

This script makes it easy to implement links to social bookmarking services. Not just simple links.

When integrated in your site a visitor clicking on one of the links will be directed directly to the formula used by the chosen service for save the bookmark. The URL of your page and your page-title will be inserted directly in the form.

What does social bookmarking services do?

Social bookmarking services are getting more popular. They enable you to access your bookmarks worldwide. Independently from the used browser and computer. You can access the bookmarks at work, from home and out of your holiday.
And you are able to tag your bookmarks. Which gives you a great way of flexibility.
While you can keep your bookmarks private (or some of them), most are public. And in combination with the tagging system you can find interesting links to other sites which covers the topic.

Download Social Bookmarking Script In PHP