Tuesday, May 24, 2016

PHP Script To Parse Out Common Phrases In A Document

Today I will discuss with you a function written in PHP which will enable you parse out common phrases in a document.
function getPhraseCount($string, $numWords=1, $limit=0) {
// make case-insensitive
$string = strtolower($string);
// get all words. Assume any 1 or more letter, number or in a row is a word
$words = $words[0];
// foreach word...
foreach($words as $k => $v) {
// remove single quotes that are by themselves or wrapped around the word
$words[$k] = trim($words[$k],"");
} // end foreach $words
// remove any empty elements produced from trimming
$words = array_filter($words);
// reset array keys
$words = array_values($words);
// foreach word...
foreach ($words as $k => $word) {
// if there are enough words after the current word to make a $numWords length phrase...
if (isset($words[$k+$numWords])) {
// add the phrase to list of phrases
$phrases[] = implode( ,array_slice($words,$k,$numWords));
} // end if isset
} // end foreach $words
// create an array of phrases => count
$x = array_count_values($phrases);
// reverse sort it (preserving keys, since the keys are the phrases
// if limit is specified, return only $limit phrases. otherwise, return all of them
return ($limit > 0) ? array_slice($x,0,$limit) : $x;
} // end getPhraseCount


getPhraseCount($string); // return full list of single keyword count
getPhraseCount($string,2); // return full list of 2 word phrase count
getPhraseCount($string,2,10); // return top 10 list of 2 word phrase count

Okay, so basically this function will take the string and return a phrase => count  associative array.  If you only pass it the string, it defaults to doing a count of individual words and returning all of them in descending order.  Optional 2nd argument lets you specify how many words in the phrase.  So if you put 2 as 2nd argument, it will go through and for each word, take the word and the word after it and count how many times that 2 word phrase occurs, returning the list in descending order.  If the optional 3rd argument is used, it returns top x amount of words, so like 10 would return top 10 phrase occurance.


  • hyphenated words are not matched.
  • case in-sensitive.
  • assumes $string is "human" readable text.  In other words, if you were to pass a file_get_contents of some webpage to it, you should probably strip_tags() first, as well as do some regex to remove stuff between php script tags, etc...
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