Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Gallery Generator PHP Script Generate Picture Galleries On Your Web Site

Gallery Generator is the perfect and easy solution to generate picture galleries on your web site. It is all template based so just upload your templates and when you choose a template the script will automatically put the images where they are supposed to go.


  •     PHP 5+ -http://www.php.net
  •     GD Library – http://www.libgd.org

  •     Open config.inc in the main folder and modify the settings to your liking
  •     Modify templates to suit your needs / design in the templates directory
  •     You may add new templates to the directory (they will show up automatically in the admin form)
  •     Upload to your server
  •     CHMOD the galleries directory and give it write access (this is where your galleries will be created)
  •     NOTE: You may want to limit access to your script directory by using .htaccess or other methods. If you do this however, make sure when you change settings in config.inc that you don’t place your gallery pages inside of this protected area unless you want it that way.
Download Gallery Generator PHP Script