Sunday, May 1, 2016

Parent Teachers Association PTA

Foramation of PTA in Higher Secondary
The state government issued modified guidelines for the formation of Parent Teachers Association (PTA) in Government and Aided schools.

Member ship in a PTA is limited to Parents or in their absence the Guardian of dully enrolled students and teachers in a given school.

The PTA general body shall be composed of all Parents of enrolled students of the school. 

The General body shall be convened as may be necessary but in no case less than thrice a year. Click the below link to download the full text of the modified order.
PTA Guidelines Modified . Govt Order GO(MS) No.196/2014 Gen_edn dtd 23.09.2014
HSE-Illegal collection of money at the time of HSE admission. Circular No ACDC4/21081/2014 dtd 18.07.2014.
SC/ST students are exempted from PTA Member ship fee. Guidelines dtd 16.06.14
Formation of Parent Teachers Association. GO (MS) No.126 / 2007/ Gen.Edn dtd 25.06.2007