Quota and other systems have made this competitive examination and process tougher than any other public examination. So necessary BCS guidelines will show the pathway to become a public service holder. The guidelines which will lead a person towards the success is not very hard to follow. But regular basis study and perseverance will be useful for him/her. The BCS exam guidelines are given below:
1) Routine: Routine is a must for taking the preparation of BCS examination(Bangladesh Civil Service Exam). A person who wants to get the job, should be determined from his Honor’s level of study. A perfect schedule diversion will be helpful for the examinee.
2) Reading Materials: Reading materials are very essential for doing well in the BCS examination. By consulting a previous successful BCS cadre, you can collect materials. Every update of the current world and Bangladesh affairs will improve the field of your acknowledgement. There are also some books based on competitive exam, which will enhance the readability of yours.
3) Free Hand Writing: Habit of Free Handwriting is a good task to be completed. There is no other better option than writing with a completely unique topic. The written exam is very tough for them who do not read much literature and practice writing. A total number of 900 marks, get lost in BCS examination due to this reason. Practicing more and more free hand writing will not only improve the skills but also get you to the new hobby. Reading the literature is a very good way to collect the news. Autobiography is helpful for determining. To be a proper cadre, the slogan should be “Read, write and realize”.
4) Personality: This is a very important task for viva-voce. If a person fears to face the viva-voce, he will completely lose the chance about getting passed in BCS examination. Guidelines of BCS recommends to be confident and self-dependable. Doing any unfair means in the examination or the whole process will damage the career of a person. People may face hear beat rising while facing the interview. That is why mind and psychological consultant is needed.
5) Daily Basis Study: BCS guidelinesare applicable for those who study in daily basis. Every subject has a different view of the question. While studying the subject, applicants will get the ideas about questions that may come in the next examination. Bengali, English and Mathematics are the subjects which are known. But there are some subjects which are beyond studying. By improving skills on them, one may face the exam with great efficiency.
BCS guidelines are very important for the students of Bachelor level and Master’s level. The preparation should be bound and the schedule should be maintained. By completing all the criteria, an examinee can offer himself for becoming a BCS cadre. He will surely become a public service holder.