Change Your Handwriting, Change Your Life Workbook (Grapho-therapy journal for ages 13+) Download Free pdf Ebook

This workbook is the culmination of years of research and development in the field of handwriting analysis, neuro- linguistic programming, & grapho-therapy.
This book does not teach you grapho-therapy, rather, it is designed to JOURNAL the tips and toosl you decide to implement the suggested changes recommended on the mp3 and first 10 pages. Previous knowledge of grapho-therapy or handwriting analysis is recommended. Most people purchase the Success Secrets of the Rich and Happy to determine which traits to change or consult an Authorized Certified Handwriting Expert. This is a workbook & journal, not a "textbook"
When you complete this course, your life will forever be altered in a positive and powerful way. This book uses the concept of grapho-therapy and journaling. Grapho-therapy is so powerful is that it actually trains your brain and directly affects your unconscious mind.
The only way it can truly affect your unconscious mind on a long-term basis is by integrating the knowledge into your body and mind through the nervous system from your fingers to brain.
This workbook is specifically designed to be completed over a period of 30 consecutive days. Before you start, commit to spending 5-15 minutes per day doing these daily handwriting exercises. This book is recommended to purchase after you have read the Handwriting 101 book or at least own the Grapho-Deck Handwriting Flash Cards.
In a most basic language, Grapho-Therapy means change your handwriting, change your life!
It is the science of improving your personality by making conscious changes to your letter formations in your handwriting.
Professionally applied, Grapho-Therapy can correct your worst faults and strengthen your character by simply changing how you write.
Human handwriting is referred to as brain-writing , because the source of the individualization of handwriting comes directly from the brain, not the hand.
Grapho-Therapy originally grew from the logic that because handwriting is a subconscious act, it provides the most direct route back to the subconscious---that mysterious force which runs each of us. The good news is that part of your mind is also is highly susceptible to suggestion. When we voluntarily decide to change a stroke in our handwriting through repetitive exercise, we are actually affecting the corresponding character based on the neuro- pathways the thought is traveling upon.
Based on neuroscience, we are physically altering the specific neuro-pathway inside your brain.
If we persist, a new pathway is formed, thus the old thought pattern begins to atrophy and the new thought pattern takes over. Remarkable results occur! Just as the subconscious mind affects handwriting, handwriting can be used to affect the subconscious mind.
Our handwriting can reinforce our bad habits or we can choose to use it to modify or even eliminate them.
Grapho-Therapy combines the principles of neurology and the psychology of handwriting analysis to create a powerful and effective method for changing your life. Use this book for yourself and giveone as a gift to someone you care about.
Finishing this 30 day journal is the best investment you could possibly make in yourself. Start it. Enjoy it. Complete it. Celebrate.
Watch your world change around you. The secret to manifesting everything you want is alreadyinside you... discover it inside these pages.
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