Established in 1946, this medical college holds a legend. Its journey started in 1939 when the Dhaka University council requested British Government to establish a medical college in Dhaka. This proposal got postponed because of the WWII. Dhaka Medical College started its official journey from July 10, 1946. During that period, Dhaka Medical College was the largest medical college with 100 beds. A count in October 3, 2013 says that DMCH is now covering patients giving the service of 2300 beds.
It is really fortunate for a student to study medics in this institution. Very few or almost 200 lucky students get this chance using their merits. Presently, there are 1050 active students studying medical science and physiology. Again, this whole institution is rolled by a noticeable number of people in the administration and other sections. Almost 3406 staffs works so hard to maintain the medical colleges discipline.
To make a consideration, a student have to think that why he/she would be called lucky to study here. Well Ive already said that, this medical college holds a legend. As it was established before our language movement or the liberation war, it played a marvelous role during the chaos. The dormitory of the college was the headquarter from 1948 till 1952 during language movement. In February 21, 1952; all the history rounded up from here. Students of this medical college played a vital role in the mainstream politics of the 60s. During that period the dormitory was the only safe refuge for the student leaders. And in the so known war of liberation, Dhaka Medical College played a role that is beyond description.
Getting an admission is not so easy here. Huge and elaborate knowledge over respected subjects like Biology, Chemistry is pretty much considered as essential. External knowledge is also important. One should have expertise in English Language and General knowledge. A 100 mark MCQ examination will be taken countrywide. All the students have to attend the exam to get admission in the medical colleges. Before that, when they are asked to fill up the registration form there would be a priority choice. The students who are eager to study in DMC have to choose Dhaka Medical College as the 1st choice. After the examination their marks and administrations decision will make the fate of the student that either he/she will get the admission or not. A competition rose in this manner from the long past.
However, there will always be some students who can be called as toppers. Dhaka Medical College is their pioneer of bright career. Dhaka medical college council also provides scholarship for a number of their students to apply for higher degree in abroad. So, to say, if you want to be a medical student, be a student of Dhaka medical college. Its the best.