However, from the book review center of Bangla Books PDF, We are going to place a review on this Bangla English grammar book named A Passage To The English Language. We hope such review may help you to judge the Bangla book and help our honorable readers to get help of their English.
Note: To make such book review on this book, weve a copy(some information can be modified after date, because weve got an older copy) of this book which was as follows...
Book Title: A Passage To The English Language
Writer Name: S.M. Zakir Hussain
Publication: Rohel Publication
Published By: Md. Safiur Rahman Khan
Amount of Pages: 1232
Price: TK. 277.00 only(News print) and TK. 370.00 only(White print)
First Publish: 1994
Last Edition: Weve 20 editions book(2010)..Recent Above 20 Editions(maybe yearly)
What will You Get Basically: Frankly speaking, if you are looking for figuring out an English grammar book which has been written resorting Bangla language with easily understood presentation of grammar, there is no Bangla book like this one(Almost!). This book can be for the student of class 8 to graduation and post-graduation level. It can be used for higher English learning as well as basic English learning. It has three parts which are ...
- Grammar
- Translation
- Composition
In grammar part, you are getting extra ordinary easy presentation of English grammar in Bangla language. To understand English grammar, you dont need a teacher at all. Because, the writer has followed such a method to present grammatical discussion, students are able to understand themselves.
In Translation part, you are getting all the practices of English grammar. By practicing translation part of this book, you will be able to capture grammatical terms more easily.
In Composition part, you are getting freehand writing example such as paragraph writing, easy writing etc. There are some essential and useful guidelines available on this part so that you can write easily without memorizing following some writing techniques.
Nevertheless, This book contains so many phrase and idioms, appropriate preposition, group verb and more. By these elements of this English grammar book, you will be able to build strong English vocabulary.
Author Info: The author of the Bangla English grammar book(A Passage To The English Language) is S.M. Zakir Hussain who is a so prominent English grammar writer. This author has several qualities. He is not only prominent for his written English grammar books but also for many Bangla poem books, philosophy books and motivational books. He has written so many English grammar books and also some Bangla poem books along with some books who narrates various direction of human life. All of his books are hot cake for his regular readers.
Author Objectives: The author said that he has written this book in order to providing pure English easily. He has also said likewise that "students usually need teacher to understand grammatical terms or they memorize a concept without any understanding. As a result, they cant learn by themselves actually. Who are deprived of learning English grammar for proper understanding and want of opportunities for making understood, this book is for them basically."
Salient Features of the book(From back cover of the book):
- Magical methods of presentation
- Covers all modern usages of English language.
- A methodical and high level grammar book.
- Contains salient features of both American and British English.
- Contains over 250 exercises with answers.
- Useful for research on English language and Grammar.
- Most of the teaching methods are taken from famous American and British grammar books.
- All reading materials are arranges on the basis of the principles of learning theories.
Truly speaking, It is rare an English grammar book in Bangla like A Passage To The English Language. If you really want to learn English, you should try out this book. Because, practicing A Passage To The English Language written by S.M Zakir Hussain is enough to learn, improve and enrich English language skill.