History: Titumir College is a famous college since the era of Pakistan. Once Bangladesh was a part of Pakistan. Firstly the college was named after Muhammad Ali Zinnah. The college was established in 1965. And the ancient name of the college was Zinna College. After the liberation war in 1971, we became independent from the Pakistanis. Then the name of the college was changed in Titumir College. Titumir was a rebel against British colony. He built a fort with bamboo. A tragic ending was taken place there. But people of Bangladesh have remembered him with great honor. This is why the college name was changed into this heroic personality.
Location of Campus: Titumir College is situated in Mohakhali, Dhaka. There is a painting of ShahidTitumir in the gate. The gate has been rebuilt in 2012. Entering the college is much more interesting. A place for sitting has been built on the premises. The green campus makes mind full with refreshment. The departments are divided around the field. There is a huge field in front of the college. People play there and go for fresh air inside Mohakhali area. As Mohakhali is a residential area, there is a much more polluters effect there. A green grass campus is very enjoyable during late hours.
Studying Procedure: An Admission is held for getting admitted toTitumir College. This admission takes place in all around Bangladesh. People who want to get this college as their first choice, take exams. After getting the desired score, they can get admitted here. Again, there are opportunity for Degree and Pass course. Obtaining a degree course will probably lead to the next study areas.
Departments: The departments of Titumir College are renowned for teachers and students. Every year a new batch gets itself out from the college. The departments are given below:
1. Dept. Of Bengali: Students take Bengali as the compulsory subject and complete B.A or M.A course under this department.
2. Dept. Of English: Perfect for students who want to study English.
3. Dept. Of Accounting: Choice of Students with commerce background.
4. Dept. Of Management Studies: Bank sectors are preferable.
5. Dept. Of Economics: A department with skilled teachers.
6. Dept. Of Finance: Financial studies are provided here.
7. Dept. Of Marketing: A renowned subject.
8. Dept. Of Zoology and Botany: Based on living things and applied knowledge.
9. Dept. Of Physics: Featured with practical and theoretical learning.
10. Dept. Of Mathematics: Makes student aware of Mathematics.
Those information and review on Titumir College located at Dhaka will make you sure about the objectives and the atmosphere of the college.
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