If you are looking to read a good Bangla translated book, this can be a good one. It has all the climax which make a book long live in the history time.
In that day, it was so tough to travel the world with very short time. Lack of enough transits and transportation equipment, it was really so tough travel withing short time in that days. The book has been published on 1873. So, it is easy to assume the transit situation at that time. But, it has done. 80 days world tour was been successful. How is that? You need to read the book to get the answer.

So, download the Bangla anubad book named 80 Dine Brisso Vromon or Around The World In Eighty Days by Jule Verne.
Book Name: 80 Dine Bisso Vromon or Around The World In Eighty Days
Author: Jule Verne
Book Type: Bangla Anubad Ebook
To get the Bangla translated book or Bangla onubad ebook named 80 dine bisso vromon or Around The World In Eighty Days by Jule Verne, you are required to click here!