Friday, June 24, 2016

Anti spam Image Generator PHP Script Protect Your Blog From Spammers And Bots

Anti-spam Image Generator php script will render PNG image with code to protect your blog/comments/feedback section from spammers and bots (known as CAPTCHA).

  • PHP 4.0.6
  • GD 2.0.1 or later
  • TTF font to use for rendering code. By default it uses arial.ttf. You can find it online.

  • You can define characters set to use (by default 0123456789)
  • Customizable code length (default is 6)
  • Easy to use / light server load, not overloaded with features

Sample usage:
  • Add this html code where you want to place antispam image: <img src="">
  • Add field to the html form to enter code, name it anti_spam_code: <input name="anti_spam_code">
  • Add following check in the php code to check if user entered CAPTCHA correctly:
@session_start(); // start session if not started yet
if ($_SESSION[AntiSpamImage] != $_REQUEST[anti_spam_code]) {
// set antispam string to something random, in order to avoid reusing it once again
$_SESSION[AntiSpamImage] = rand(1,9999999);

// here you add code to let user know incorrect code entered
else {
// set antispam string to something random, in order to avoid reusing it once again
$_SESSION[AntiSpamImage] = rand(1,9999999);

// everything is fine, proceed with processing feedback/comment/etc.


Download Anti-spam Image Generator PHP Script