Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Coordino A Free Stack Overflow Clone In PHP

Coordino allows you to create a question and answer system(much like that of stack overflow) for you and your users to enjoy.

Whether you are looking to create a niche question and answer site for comic book collecting or looking for a knowledge base solution for your intranet, Coordino is here for you.
Get Started Today!

  • Using Coordino you can utilize the community in your industry by combining their knowledge on your website. Over time your knowledge base can serve as a focal point for your niche or company. 
  • Keep your knowledge base secured on your system in your location. You have full control of the security of your users and your data.
  • Why have yourself or anyone else reinvent the wheel? By utilizing a question and answer based system you can reduce roadblocks by having the answers right at hand.

Features & Benefits:
  •     A Knowledge Platform
  •     User Rewards
  •     Tagging
  •     Site Administration
  •     Total Control
  •     Remote Authentication
  •     Source Code
  •     Selfhosted Solution
Download Coordino -FREE Stack Overflow Clone Script