Sunday, June 19, 2016

Flatfile Database Manager PHP Script Manage Flatfile Database With This PHP Script

A flat file is a file that contains records. Each record is specified in a single line. Fields from each record may either have a fixed width, or may be delimited by commas (CSV), tube (|), whitespace, tabs, or any other character.
Flat File Database Manager will allow you to manage (update/delete/add) records in your flatfile database.
Note: Currently flat files of fixed field width are not supported. Features:
  • user defined delimiter (usually pipe, colon, or comma (|:,)
  • customizable presentation of different data types. Following data types supported:
    • LIST - Rendered as list box or combo box.
    • STRING - Rendered as regular input field.
    • LOGICAL - Rendered as check box (flag).
    • TEXT - Rendered as text area.

    Download Flatfile Database Manager PHP Script