The Tenth pay revision committee recommended for new pay scales for government employees and teachers, with the lowest scale increased from Rs 8,500-13,210 to Rs 17,000 -35,700 and the highest scale from Rs 48,640-59,840 to Rs 97,000- 1,20,000.
The pay revision panel, formed in 2013, has recommended that the revised pay should be implemented with retrospective effect from July, 2014. Click the link to download the 10th Pay Revision Report, Govt Order and Pay Fixation Software(Trial) by Safeeq M.P. We request you to make use of this software and give your valuable suggestions and feedback for the enrichment of this free product.
Pay Revision Report and Pay Fixation Consultant Software |
Tenth Pay Revision Report Govt Order -GO(P) No.07/2016/Fin Dated 20/01/2016 |
Tenth Pay Revision-Cabinet Decision on 20.01.2016 |
Hot: Pay Fixation Consultant Software Version 1.21 (Updated on 21.01.2016,Required MsExcel 2003 or Higher Versions) |
Pay Fixation Consultant -User Guide for Software(Updated) |
Previous Circular |
Tenth Pay Revision Committee Report. July 2015. |
Scale of Pay and Rules for Fixation. |