To learn web design you need to learn HTML first, Then you should learn CSS to style your HTML sheet. On to add script on your HTML sheet, you should learn JavaScript.
On the other hand, To be a web developer, you need to be web designer first. That mean you should learn HTML, CSS & JavaScript first. Then, you have to learn some advance topic such as PHP and MySQL. PHP is the programing language for Web likewise C++ for computer software coding. MySQL is for arranging your database well.
So, if you are dedicated to be a web designer or web developer, practice these elementary of learning from some good sources. As like as other staffs of learning, These Bangla web development book and Bangla web design book may help you lot. We believe that.
1. HTML Learning Ebook
2. CSS Learning Ebook
3. JavaScript Learning Ebook
4. PHP & MySQL Learning Ebook
5. XML Learning Ebook
So, by now, you may download these ebooks which are mentioned above as well as read & practice to be a web designer or web developer. To be successful on your path to become web designer or web developer, You need to practice a lot and continue the learning process.