The scale of pay admissible to Higher secondary school teachers on completion of 15 years as per pay revision order 2009 became 24040-38840 whereas the scale of pay of post of Principal is only 22360-37940. Hence an anomolus situation has arisen where the scale of pay of Higher Secondary School Teachers Selection Grade is higher than that of Principal.
Government are therefore pleased to rectify the above anomaly by modifying the scale of pay of the post of Principal as 24040-38840. The modification of scale of pay will take effect from 01.07.2009 as notional and monetory benift with effect from 07.09.2015. Click the below link for downloading GO(MS) No.390/2015(210)/Fin. dtd 07.09.2015.
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Scale of pay of the Higher Secondary Principal revised. GO(MS) No. 390/2015(210)/Fin dtd 07.09.2015 |