1. Aim to be a Cadre: Firstly a candidate must be determined to become a cadre. In general and technical examination, exams are almost the same criteria. So, the term should be used under a process.
2. Routine for BCS: A special tips on BCS is to make a unique routine. A person with proper time management can achieve even the impossible and difficult goal. There are so many competitors that a routine and time management can create the difference.
3. Books on General Knowledge: It is another special tips on BCS to collect the current news about world and Bangladesh regularly. Daily newspaper can be a great media of getting news. So keep up with current world and Bangladesh affairs.
4. Practicing Mathematics: Sometimes BCS examination seems to be tough for Mathematics. A student can collect reading materials on this particular subject and get himself aware of it. Again, there are much more chance for studying in secondary level. Because almost all the question of Mathematics is related to secondary level.
5. Writing English: The written test of BCS examination contains a whole sum of 900 marks. Here is a question about writing English with any topic. Practice can enable a person about this skill. A candidate should write and learn English for his day to day life. It will increase the power of free hand writing.
6. Being Confident: Sometimes lack of confidence cause problems. A special tips on BCS is to consult with a successful cadre in order to get inspiration. He can show the pathway to improve the personality and create confidence in the person.
7. Learning Psychology: There are 20 marks of analytical question which are related tomake-up situation. Books can be bought in order to improve the psychological situation of a person.
8. Viva-voce Preparation: Again, there is a tips for facing the interview board. The person who sits behind the interview table are much friendlier. If the candidate can be easy with them, their selection will be more comfortable. So the preparation of viva-voce is very important.
9. Subject Knowledge: In the total result of BCS, there is a common factor. People who have more subject knowledge, gets more opportunity to become a cadre. While studying at academic level, the preparation should be started. This will help you to take far into BCS examination.

10. Calm and Quiet: A calm and quiet mind can change any situation. So remove the stress about getting chance as a cadre. And try to give the best examination of life. Because it is the chance to show talent. This is also a very special tips on BCS.
Above tips are applicable when the applicant thinks about and dreams about becoming a BCS cadre. So, work hard and best of luck.