MySQL Community Edition is a freely downloadable version of the worlds most popular open source database that is supported by an active community of open source developers and enthusiasts.
Log into the computer as an administrator. This will give you administrator rights, which will make the installation smoother. Note that, once installed, the program doesn’t need to be run as an administrator.
To properly install and configure MySQL on your Windows PC, follow these instructions.
Step 1: Download the free MySQL Server Community Edition from MySQL Download Page. Be sure to download a version that includes a Windows Installer. Save the file on your Windows Desktop. If you’re not sure which version to select, download MySQL Installer for Windows from our mirror Link.
Download MySQL 5.1 ((35 MB)
Step 2: Double-click the downloaded file mysql-essential-5.1.30-win32 .This will initialize the setup process.

Step 3: Click Next. This begins the setup.

Step 4: Click Custom > Next. This will enable you to specify where you want to install MySQL.

Step 5: Change the default folder and drive.

Step 6: Click Install. Wait while the program self-installs.

Step 7: Click Next in this Enterprise Edition Alert

Step 8: Your new dialogue box should say Wizard Completed. Leave the check box "Configure the MySQL Server Now" checked and click Finish.

Step 9: Check the start menu for the item " MySQL Server Instance Config Wizard " and click.This will initialize the configuration setup

Step 10: The configuration wizard will allow you to configure the MySQL Server 5.1. To continue click Next.

Step 11: Check "Standard Configuration " and then click Next. This is the default configuration and is recommended for most users.

Step 12: Make sure "Install As Windows Service" and "Include Bin Directory on the Windows Path" are checked, then click Next.

Step 13: Create a root password. Type in what you want your root password. Then click next.

Step 14: Click Execute. This will start the MySQL server. After MySQL has done its thing, click Finish.

Step 14: Press Finish to Close the Wizard

Step 15: Check Start menu for the item "MySQL Command Line Client" and click.

Step 16: This will open a command window asking you for a password.Enter your root password and hit Enter. This should initiate the program

Step 17: Before executing SQL Commands do the folowing on mysql prompt(mysql>) . Type "Connect mysql;" in SQL prompt.

Step 18: Only after connecting to a database you can execute SQL Queries.
Check the following sample Queries....
Create table student(roll int primary key,name char(20));

Create table student(roll int primary key,name char(20));

Insert into student values(1,HSSLiVE);

Select * from student;

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