When the college was introduced and opened, there were only 26 students. But later in 1906 the name of the college was changed and it was named as Pabna college. A board was set up by several members of the college to run it in 1911, the college was renamed as Pabna Edward College in memory of the king Edward the seventh. Till several years, the founder was the principal of the college and then his successor came and served the college for many years.
There were various subjects at the very beginning of the college like English, Math, History, Logic, Science, Sanskrit,Arabic and persian.Pabna Edward College got many donations from various famous people for the development of the college. It is also said that the Governor of Bengal Lord Charmichel granted a huge amount of money annually for the development of the college. Year after year the college was being developed under the proper care of famous and dutiful people .In the previous years, mainly in 1995-96, science faculty was opened, After that in1924, BSC course was opened and also the buildings for this courses were constructed in the college ground. B.A course and honors courses on various subjects were also introduced in the several years.
At the number of faculties was getting high, the number of students was also increasing. At that time, the management of the college was taken over by the government of East Pakistan. The land area of Pabna Edward College was broaden and it was approximately 49 acres. The college was getting popularity and that is why the authority took stand and opened the MA courses in Bangla and economics.30 million was spent for the betterment and development of the college. The teaching quality of the teachers and the whole system of Edward College are praiseworthy. It offers 12 different honors courses to their students such as English, Chemistry, Political science, history etc. Its really famous for its 15 different Masters courses now.
Pabna Edward College belongs to the top grade because it has a special quality and discipline which a student follow while reading here. About 18 thousand students are studying here.This college is standing with pride since it has been introduced. There are professors, Associate professors, Assistant professors and also it has staff members and masters roll employees.
Pabna Edward College is century old and still it is playing a significant role in the education system of Bangladesh. This college is a great help for the local students because they can complete their honors sitting at their home. Among all the national universities, Pabna Edward College is a very popular one. Students get here a proper education which also helps them to build a better future.