Saturday, July 2, 2016

reCAPTCHA Contact Form Receive Feedback From Your Visitors

This free php contact form makes receiving email or feedback from your visitors much easier. All your visitors have to do is fill out a simple contact form and hit send. Features reCAPTCHA image verification to reduce spam bots from submitting your form.


    PHP 5.2+ –
    reCAPTCHA API Key –


  •     First, you will need to signup for reCAPTCHA API key if you plan on using this feature. This will greatly reduce spam being submitted to your contact form. If you wish to bypass this feature, leave the API settings blank in inc/
  •     Edit inc/ to reflect additional settings such as defining custom emails for selection in the form. This allows you to send emails to different divisions of your organization.
  •     Upload the script files to your server.
  •     To modify the appearance of the contact form edit “inc/contact.php”. Just be careful not to destroy any PHP scripting while doing so.

Download reCAPTCHA Contact Form