Friday, February 19, 2016

Bangla Entrepreneurship Book Hand Book of Entrepreneurship Development Book Review

Bangladesh is a such kind of developing country in which 55% young among all population. And the broad concept is that the working power and energy are mostly existed among the young person, we know it well. If we want to prove our merits and hard working power, there is a attractive path to prove it by showing our innovation, hard working, creative thought in the field of our career.

The path is becoming an entrepreneur. Because, entrepreneurs are such kind of persons who are different from other general people by their special features such as perseverance, hard working attitude, strategic planning, learning from any side, attaining objectives and above all the mentality to give job not to earn a job.

From Bangla Books PDF, It always gets priority to provide useful content to its readers. And, the content should be helpful in the growing of creativity, thought & education as well as entertainment. By following that objectives, We are going to provide a book review basis on a Bangla Entrepreneurship Book. We hope by utilizing this entrepreneurship book properly, a young may get a nice solution or direction of his unemployment situation or even, he may get a smooth path of building own business to become own boss and to alter the tendency of doing a job under a boss.

The name of the book is "Uddokta Unnoyon Nirdeshika". It has both Bangla & English version. The book has been written by the prominent writer Md. Sabur Khan who is the chairman of Daffodil International University, Entrepreneurship & Innovation Expo and Daffodil Foundation. The writer is a very successful entrepreneur. And He has taken the step to make next 2000 entrepreneurs. To help on that project, the earning money by this entrepreneurship book will be provided on that. 

Note: We have the hard-copy of the Bangla entrepreneurship book named  "Uddokta Unnoyon Nirdeshika" or "Hand Book of Entrepreneurship Development" published on jun(2014). Weve the Bangla version. Well make the review basis on this edition. Future edition or upgrade may be existed.

Book Name:  "Uddokta Unnoyon Nirdeshika" or "Hand Book of Entrepreneurship Development"
Writer: Md. Sabur Khan
Published By: Md. Sabur Khan
Amount of Pages: 73
First Publish: June-2014
Last Edition: Weve June-2014. Future edition may be existed!
Book Price: BDT 800
Chapters: 8 Chapters

Our Comment
There are very fewer entrepreneurial  books, resources are available in Bangla language. This book is a new & great addition to this little resources of Bangla entrepreneurial staffs. It has covered all the essential elements of becoming an entrepreneur. If you have the motivation and innovative idea to become an entrepreneur to run your own creative idea, the book may help you to go forward with smooth direction. And, frankly speaking, in that concern, the name of the book "Hand Book of Entrepreneurship Development" is success. Because, every elements of this book is very very important for them who are dreaming to become an entrepreneur and for them too who are in the path of becoming an entrepreneur.

What Will You Get Basically
There are eight chapters in this entrepreneurship book. Every chapter has covered all of the important information and knowledge which are essentially required for a creative entrepreneur.

The first chapter has covered
  1. Meaning of entrepreneur
  2. Taking the decision of becoming an entrepreneur
  3. and so on. 

The second chapter has covered
  1. The primary preparation to become a successful entrepreneur
  2. Innovative thought
  3. Determination
  4. Achieving skills or abilities
  5. Family assistance
  6. Valuation of experience
  7. Financing
  8. Selling challange
  9. Target of revenue earning
  10. Technology & networking
  11. Conquering the failure
  12. Ownership
  13. Demand of product
  14. Hero from zero
  15. and so on. 

The third chapter has covered
  1. Starting business activities
  2. Business plan
  3. Getting trade license
  4. and so on.

The fourth chapter has covered
  1. New types of business strategy 
  2. Blue Ocean strategy
  3. Venture capital
  4. and so on. 

The fifth chapter has covered
  1. Initiatives of Bangladesh Government for entrepreneurship development
  2. SME foundation
  3. and so on.

The sixth chapter has covered
  1. The role of stock exchange to create new investor

The seventh chapter has covered
  1. The project of creating 2000 entrepreneurs
  2. Project areas 
  3. and so on.
And the chapter eight has covered about the success stories of successful entrepreneurs in Bangladesh along with case study.

In the light of above review, it can be added that the Bangla entrepreneurship book named "Uddokta Unnoyon Nirdeshika" or "Hand Book of Entrepreneurship Development" is a such kind of book which should be read by the persons who are wiling to become entrepreneurs in order to get smooth directions of hard traveling path. Because, the path of becoming a successful entrepreneur is very hard and only knowledge & strong determination can make a person to a successful entrepreneur.