Thursday, February 4, 2016

Getting Know About BCS Examination

BCS examination, which is elaborately known as Bangladesh Civil Service Examination, is a great opportunity to get a public job in Bangladesh. This examination is being held for a long time under the Public Service Commission of Bangladesh. The reputation of BCS examination is beyond question. Any person who qualifies in this examination, is commonly become the honorable person in his own circle.

However, in order to help them who are willing to compete this examination, an introduction or overview of BCS examination is given below.

The Process of BCS Examination: There are total three phases which are to be faced by an examiner. The foremost criteria of the process is Preliminary examination. If a student qualifies then he have to attend the written exam. After being qualified for both phases, he/she will be going for the viva-voce. The interview will be held by their score and date.

Eligibility for BCS examination: The applicant must be a citizen of Bangladesh. Then the age limit will be from 21 to 30. There is an extension for Freedom fighters child which is 32 years. He/she has to be at least a bachelor in any discipline. With a result of more than one third class, the person will be rejected to apply. BCS examination offers the qualification for any well academic background.

The Quota for BCS examination: There is a quota classification in BCS examination. 45% will be taken under merit position. Then others will be divided into several quota systems.

First Phase of BCS Examination: Preliminary examination is the foremost criteria to become eligible for attending in the next test of BCS. The subjectvariety of different fields and marks from each other. Whole sum of 100 marks examination will be held. Only multiple choice question will be given in the exam.

Second Phase of BCS Examination: Written examination is the second part of BCS examination. One must be able to answer total 900 marks question. Technical and General cadre’s subjects vary, but the result will be the same.

Final Phase of BCS Exam:  Viva-voce is the last phase of showing the qualities of a student. A person with passing first two steps, will attend here. If he can impress the interview board, then he will be able to become a BCS cadre.

Duration: From the applying to finalizing the candidates take total one single year. This huge space of time gives an opportunity to be efficient for any kind of job.

About the Fields of BCS Examination: After being selected, a vast field of career will be opened in front of your eyes. Opportunities to take part in building country structure will become to a shining end. The person who wants to become a teacher, can achieve his goal with this exam.


Though the number of applicants is greater than the number of seats, people want to become a public service holder. For getting the chance, they attend and try heart and soul for all parts of the examination. While he attains all the qualification and eligibility, he tries again and again. So, a person with above qualities must try for being qualified in BCS examination.