Sunday, February 7, 2016

7 Special Tips on Engineering Admission in Bangladesh

Engineering has been always a fascinating subject for the students of Science. However, it is tough to get the chance of studying Engineering in a reputed Engineering Institution in Bangladesh. Every year thousands of students are passing Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) with top results in Bangladesh and the competition of Engineering Admission in Bangladesh is getting harder. To be ahead of others merit is not sufficient if you are not using it.

01. Stay Focused: It has been seen that students after finishing their HSC exam go to Dhaka and get themselves admitted in various Engineering admission coaching. After 1 or 2 months struggle some change their mind and study for other faculties like any kind of Science based subjects or business administration or any other subject. It affects ferociously. Once your mind set and objective is changed then you need to start from the beginning.  It’s better to pick your choice before starting your preparation. If you have taken your decision for engineering admission then you have to stick to it. Are you confused which faculty to choose?

02. Choose Carefully: As parents, relatives always hope the best for us; sometimes the hope covers the reality from us. It is not mandatory for every student of Science to become an engineer. There are other fine subjects too. If your score is good enough to compete and if you are ready to practice your skills regularly, then you should go for it. Taking preparation for engineering admission always helps for other science related subjects.

03. Know Your Specialty: Every student has some special skill over some subject. If you are really good in solving math, or if you are good in English or in Chemistry, study regularly this particular special subject of yours for a minimum time of the day.

04. Find Your Weakness: You must take care of your weak spots carefully and regularly. Try to understand the problem and then take necessary steps. Feel free to discuss your weaknesses with your friends or your teachers. Sometimes discussion helps to find out a way that you have never thought of.

05. Make a Routine and Stick to It: Maintaining a routine always helps in the competitive exams. You can make your own routine depending your time frame and specialty/weakness. You can set your own objectives for the day, for the week and for the month. If you are able to get your objectives then you are on the track but if you do not then you must be more focused to maintain that routine.

06. Study the Question Papers Closely: It’s always helpful to study and solve the old question papers of the engineering admission. It’s better if you can form a group and discuss your problems there.

07. Tricky Part: There is always a tricky part in the exams of engineering admission. You must solve all the problems in a very quick time. Students find the shortest possible way to solve mathematical problems but not all math are solvable in shortcut way. Study the equations well and practice solving math regularly. Try to find the short ways of using equations.

Main text books are always the best choices rather than guide books. Study hard and practice regular. These tips on engineering admission in Bangladesh are not mare tips; these are the basic tips for your engineering admission.