Sunday, July 3, 2016

Pre requisites to learning PHP and MySQL

Pre-requisites Before you continue you should have a basic understanding of the following: HTML/XHTML JavaScript What is PHP? PHP stands for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor PHP is a server-side scripting language, like ASP PHP scripts are executed on the server PHP supports many databases (MySQL, Informix, Oracle, Sybase, Solid, PostgreSQL, Generic ODBC, etc.) PHP is an open source software PHP is free to download and use What is a PHP File? PHP...

Ghazi Book by Abu Shuja Waqar

Ghazi by Abu Shuja WaqarGhazi is nice book of Pakistan Mujahid and army forces stories and specially I.S.I stories is written by abu Shuja Wa...

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Teesree lehar PDF Book

Teesree leharIn this PDF Book you will read struggle of people in 19 century, politics and many more thing of history.Teesree lehar is written by Toffler and translate in urdu Tanveer iqb...

Maloomat Tareekh e Islam

Maloomat Tareekh e IslamA Islamic Base Topic Book in Urdu PDF format.In the Maloomat Tareekh e Islam  First is given a Questions and then answer . A nice collection of In...

reCAPTCHA Contact Form Receive Feedback From Your Visitors

This free php contact form makes receiving email or feedback from your visitors much easier. All your visitors have to do is fill out a simple contact form and hit send. Features reCAPTCHA image verification to reduce spam bots from submitting your form.Requirements    PHP 5.2+ –    reCAPTCHA API Key –    First, you will need to...

PHP Delete Data From MySQL with Confirmation

This tutorial shows you that how to Delete rows From MySql database table and How to set JavaScript Powered Confirmation Message, When you click  or press delete link a confirmation message will appear and make sure to delete the selected data or not from MySql Database table  , When You press yes on confirmed messege it will delete the data if not it will do nothing with the data. Read more...

HTML5 Form Validations with Pattern Matching

This is another Client Side Validation method No JavaScript or jQuery needed, Thanks to HTML5 because validations can now be done using HTML5 without coding of javascript or any server side language, using HTML5 you can validate forms with pattern, Forms must be validate either using client side or server side because it helps you to collect correct data or valid form values from the users, you cannot trust users blindly, let’s see it. Read more...

Friday, July 1, 2016

PHP Unlink Function

Remember from the PHP File Create lesson that we created a file named testFile.txt. PHP Code: $myFile = "testFile.txt"; $fh = fopen($myFile, w) or die("cant open file"); fclose($fh); Now to delete testFile.txt we simply run a PHP script that is located in the same directory. Unlink just needs to know the name of the file to start working its destructive magic. PHP Code: $myFile = "testFile.txt"; unlink($myFile); The testFile.txt should now...

Inqilab 1857 by P C Joshi

Inqilab 1857 by P C Joshi       Urdu history PDF copy book  involving  "Inqilab 1857"  through  P C Joshi.Publish  via  peoples publishing house memories  for   following   complete  100 hundred years.  a complete  Discussing  about   an  old historical struggle  with  India . &nb...

Generating excel xls files

Here we generate excel files from php script. To begin we will need some main excel classes as following:1. BIFFwriter.php (for writing BIFF (binary file format)2. Format.php (for generating excel XF records)3. OLEwriter.php (OLE stream for spreadsheet)4. Parser.php (for parsing excel formula)5. Workbook.php (for generating excel workbook)6. Worksheet.php (for generating excel worksheet)You may want to see some examples in which you can download...

Link Manager Software

LinkMan link manager software will completely automate your link exchange! Here is how your reciprocal link exchange will work with LinkMan: Webmaster John is interested in exchanging links with your site,He ads a link to your website on his links page (or any other page on his website),He submits the "Add a link" form on your site,LinkMan verifies that a reciprocal link to your site has indeed been added,A few more automated checks to verify everything...

PHP Interview Questions Part 1

Common PHP Interview Questions1. What is CAPTCHA?CAPTCHA stands for Completely Automated Public Turing Test to tell Computers and Humans Apart. To prevent spammers from using bots to automatically fill out forms, CAPTCHA programmers will generate an image containing distorted images of a string of numbers and letters. Computers cannot determine what the numbers and letters are from the image but humans have great pattern recognition abilities and...